Somehow American Retro Pop 50 Color Set (なんとなくアメリカンレトロポップ50色セット) なんとなくアメリカンレトロポップ50色セット

Content ID:2118852

  • 36
  • Free

なんとなくアメリカンレトロポップ50色セットです。 あくまでもなんとなく作りましたので過不足の調整をお願いします。
It's a set of 50 colors of American retro pop. I kind of made it, so please adjust the excess and deficiency.
It is recommended for those who draw comics and illustrations with the image of American retro pop, those who are working in American miscellaneous goods and food-related occupations, and those who are in the mood to eat sweets.
It's a set of 50 colors of American retro pop.I kind of made it, so please adjust the excess and deficiency.
It is recommended for those who draw comics and illustrations with the image of American retro pop, those who are working in American miscellaneous goods and food-related occupations, and those who are in the mood to eat sweets.

Content ID:2118852

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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いつも有難うございます。 なんとなく素材をアップしてます。宜しくお願いします! iPhoneで素材を作ってます。PCのクリスタを知りません。いつかPCで作れたらと思っています。まだまだ勉強中です。アドバイスがあれば教えて下さったら幸いです。