It is a material that is used by attaching it to the wall of the 3D material of the building.
You can choose the following 9 layouts.
Description of each part The last number is the number of vertices
・LampA is a simple oil lamp. Default setting 1548
・LampB is a hexagonal oil lamp 2290
・Balcony This is a balcony for gardening with an iron fence with an ornament pattern. 9208
Awning is a sunshade above the window 684
・Door_canopy is a small roof above the door 326
・Board It is a bulletin board with leaflets etc. 90
・Clover clover wall decoration 438
・Sign_BoardA It is a type of sign that is strapped to the wall 1874
・Sign_BoardB It is a sign that protrudes vertically from the wall 3042
The origin is set to the part that sticks to the wall.
Snap to the walls of other creators' 3D buildings
You can quickly increase the amount of information, such as installing it according to the hand-drawn background.
Here's an example of how to use it. All 1980*1980 LT conversion
The object of the window is not in the material.
It is also possible to duplicate and combine.
各パーツの説明 最後の数字は頂点数です
・LampA シンプルなオイルランプです。デフォルト設定 1548
・LampB 6角形のオイルランプです 2290
・Balcony オーナメント柄の鉄柵のガーデニング用のバルコニーです。9208
・Awning 窓の上にある日よけです 684
・Door_canopy ドアの上にある小さな屋根です 326
・Board チラシなどが貼られている掲示板です 90
・Clover クローバーの壁飾りです 438
・Sign_BoardA 壁に紐でかけるタイプの看板です 1874
・Sign_BoardB 壁から垂直に出ている看板です 3042
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
Lamp LampA
LampB LampB
Balcony Balcony
Awning Awning
Door_canopy Door_canopy
Board Board
Clover Clover
Sign_boardA Sign_boardA
Sign_boardB Sign_boardB