100 Sound Effects 2 (効果音集100種 2) 効果音集100種 2

Content ID:2114988

  • 309

This is a image material collection of sound effects.
A total of 100 types in all genres.
* There are also 100 types of sound effects 1.

I think it will come up if you search for the sound you want to use, such as bang or dong.

Since it is one image material at a time, you can use it wherever you want to use it.
There is no white border.
※効果音集100種 1もあります。



Material gallery 素材集

Content ID:2114988

Published : 2 months ago

Last updated : 2 months ago

とちもち号(kkkkk88改め)'s profile Go to profile

素材購入、ギフト、いいねをくださった方、ありがとうございます 素材の改変やそのままなど、購入者様のお好きに使っていただいて大丈夫です! 主に線画、オノマトペ、食べ物や花の画像素材などを投稿しています