Antique decorative pattern brush set (アンティーク装飾文様ブラシセット) アンティーク装飾文様ブラシセット

Content ID:2114944

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  • 150 CLIPPY

It is a set of 12 easy-to-use materials with brushes that can draw antique decorative patterns. アンティークな装飾文様の描けるブラシと合わせて使いやすい素材12種類のセットです

It is a set of 12 types of materials, including 10 types of brushes that can draw patterns with antique tastes, 1 simple strip brush that is easy to use, and 1 type image material.

Since it is a material composed of a decorative pattern pattern composed of simple lines, it is a material that is easy to use and arrange in both monochrome and color.

Brushes can be drawn in two colors main color and sub color.

The image material consists of two layers: main (black) and sub (white).
After dragging and dropping, when moving or transforming materials, select each layer at the same time before proceeding.

The "Simple Band 2" brush can be made more frame-like by using a brush with a decorative pattern on it.

It can be used not only as a background and clothing accessory pattern, but also as a decorative border and its decoration.

If there is something that can be used as one of the patterns of decorative brushes, please ^^

Please try various things

Use Case 1

Use Case 2











decoration 装飾

Content ID:2114944

Published : 3 days ago

Last updated : 3 days ago

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こんにちは(^^ ゆるめの素材をぼちぼちと。楽しく使っていただけたら幸いです(^^いいねやGIFTも嬉しいです!フォローも光栄です!ありがとうございます~!!