Standing pose with long weapon (長い武器を持った立ちポーズ) 長い武器を持った立ちポーズ

Content ID:2113937

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It is a pose with the image of a figure holding a long-handled weapon such as a spear or cane. 槍や杖など長い柄の武器を持った姿をイメージしたポーズです。

This pose was created with the intention of being used for female characters.

Weapons are not included, so please prepare materials separately.

Before setting the pose
From "Operation" sub tool "object"
In the "object List", parent-child relationships are set for drawing dolls and weapons,
If you set the weapon attachment site to the left hand, it is easy to create a pose where you are waving the weapon.

To create the pose, I use a 3D model with a slightly lowered head and body.
Please adjust the parts that do not fit your model accordingly.




Content ID:2113937

Published : 6 days ago

Last updated : 6 days ago

ひがしまみつこ's profile Go to profile

ある漫画家さんの作品群をこよなく愛するひと。 イラストを描くのに3Dデッサン人形をよく使うので、作って使ったポーズ素材なんかをUPするかもしれません。