Wielding a long weapon (長い武器を振りぬく) 長い武器を振りぬく

Content ID:2113464

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This pose is based on the image of wielding a long-handled weapon such as a spear or scythe. 槍や大鎌など長い柄の武器を振り抜いている様子をイメージしたポーズです。

Since the pose is designed for female characters, it is a little inward.

Weapons are not included, so please prepare materials separately.

Before setting the pose
From "Operation" sub tool "object"
In the "object List", parent-child relationships are set for drawing dolls and weapons,
If you set the weapon attachment site to the left hand, it is easy to create a pose where you are waving the weapon.

To create the pose, I use a 3D model that has been adjusted to be a little lower.
Please adjust the parts that do not fit your model accordingly.




Content ID:2113464

Published : 7 days ago

Last updated : 7 days ago

ひがしまみつこ's profile Go to profile

ある漫画家さんの作品群をこよなく愛するひと。 イラストを描くのに3Dデッサン人形をよく使うので、作って使ったポーズ素材なんかをUPするかもしれません。