6 types of magic circles (魔法陣6種) 魔法陣6種

Content ID:2112416

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It is a collection of materials with 6 patterns that can be used as magic circles.

One point of clothing and
You can also use it for backgrounds.


↓↓↓List of materials↓↓↓

◆ Material description
・The resolution is 600 dpi.
・All are handwritten.

↓↓↓Example of use↓↓↓

◆ Explanation of usage examples
・ Not only use it as a magic circle, but also use it as a background, etc.
Depending on the idea, it can be used in various ways.
・ Examples of use include my work "Fantastic Space Material Collection" and
We use materials from the "Horoscope Material Collection".
・ The initial tools "rose" and "running color spray" are used for decoration.

・ When making multiple transform image (such as the usage example on the left)
Create a → folder and organize the layers that bring images into it
By "transforming" the entire → folder, the images in the folder can be distorted at the same time.
Move each → image to the desired position

・Color change ideas
Color a new clipped layer (in part or in full)
In addition to fill and gradients, partial painting with an airbrush is also recommended.
・By changing the combine mode, the edges of the image can be clearly expressed.

I hope you enjoy it.








neko_MS neko_MS

Update history

2024.9.10 It has been changed to charged. Thanks a lot DL. 2024.9.10

Content ID:2112416

Published : 8 days ago

Last updated : 3 days ago

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