【Limited time free】There are too many steps, so simply make a watermark processing with automatic action (【限时免费】步骤太多所以干脆做成自动动作的水印加工) 【限时免费】步骤太多所以干脆做成自动动作的水印加工

Content ID:2112057

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

An automatic action for processing watermarks.
In order to avoid problems with my broken foreign language, the instructions are only in Chinese, so please have a translator for fear of major problems.

What you might need to know about using this automaton.
1. Before using, please make sure that the current canvas only has two layers, one is the illustration you need to watermark, and the other is the watermark;
2. The watermark must be pure black and the layer order is above the illustration;
3. The layer name of the illustration must be "Art", please use ↓

4. The watermark layer must be rasterized, and those who can't operate can use this ↓

5. Please select the watermark layer before running this automatic action;
6. All new layers that appear after the end of the run, if necessary, please manually create a new layer group and put it in;
7. The layer group mode is changed to penetrate to make the layer effect display smoothly, if you are not satisfied with the final effect, please fine-tune it yourself;
8. All the parameters that can be adjusted by yourself have been set for this automatic action, the default watermark color is purple, please choose according to your needs;
9. All possible problems have been eliminated as much as possible, if there is still a problem, please use the translator to check the information attached to the automatic action.

Here's an example:

This automatic action is not available for all illustration and watermark types, please use it as appropriate.





Content ID:2112057

Published : 11 days ago

Last updated : 9 days ago

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