Easy Add Sewing Thread

Content ID:2110086

  • 3,418
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

All the pictures in this material are my own original artworks drawn by myself.

Contains 12 automatic actions

1.dotted line

2.straight line

3.in addition to adding sewing lines, you can also use it to add lines to buildings, text, etc.

1.How can I import Auto Action materials?
2.How do you use auto actions?
3.click on the line layer
4.make selections
5.click to run automatic action

Old version

Content ID:2110086

Published : 22 days ago

Last updated : 22 days ago

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We're a manga studio founded in 2022, and we update our frequently used material from time to time, so we hope you'll enjoy it! <3 If you have any questions feel free to send us a private message and let us know!优动漫🔍Maturu000