10 3D Grid & Basic Shapes (3Dグリッド&基本図形10種) 3Dグリッド&基本図形10種

Content ID:2107546

  • 32,705
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a set of 3D grid cubes and 10 basic shapes.

・Grid cube

X, Y, and Z axes are colored grid lines that are easy to use for perspective and around. There are also two types of line displays: thin and thick.

Each face is an independent object, so you can move and rotate each other.

The default setting is 2 meters square.
Just adjust the object scale number and you can easily change the size to your liking.

The figure above shows the object scale set to "250" and is 5 meters square.

・10 types of basic shapes

The basic shapes are:
Cube, Rectangle Vertical, Rectangle Horizontal, Pyramid (Quadrilateral Base), Triangular prism, Triangular pyramid (triangular base), Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, Torus
More than 10 types are available.
You can easily choose from layout preset.

By switching material preset opacity you can also make it a 50% transparent version.
A figure trapped in a box or sphere with 3D drawing figure...... You can also use it as follows.

Each surface has an independent object and can be moved and rotated freely.

Spheres and toruses can also be viewed from within the object list, including parts that can be faced.
("sphere" folder >sphere_half.001~2/"torus" folder >torus_half.001~4)
If you Thailand to display the inside, turn off the check box for "Backface Calling" >rendering settings> the sub tool detail> environment.

It is a grid and basic 3D Object that can be applied to various things. Please take advantage of it.

Material prices are subject to change without notice. Please note.













material マテリアル

  • normal normal
  • transparent transparent

disposition 配置

  • grid01 grid01
  • grid02 grid02
  • box01 box01
  • box02 box02
  • box03 box03
  • pyramid pyramid
  • triangular prism triangular prism
  • triangular pyramid triangular pyramid
  • sphere sphere
  • cone cone
  • cylinder cylinder
  • torus torus

Update history

2024/08/17 Sphere and torus split object added, other tweaks 2023/09/13 Data optimization, weight reduction 2024/08/17 球とトーラスの分割オブジェクト追加、他微調整
2023/09/13 データ最適化、軽量化

Old version

Content ID:2107546

Published : 5 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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