Slender hexagonal pen (細身六角ペン) 細身六角ペン

Content ID:2106585

  • 118
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Original pen (/ω\) オリジナルペン(/ω\)

It is an original vertical slender hexagonal pen (*'ω'*)
Since the grade is lightly applied, you can draw it as shown in the image below by setting two colors (*'ω'*)

The image below is drawn with a combination of blue and white



Content ID:2106585

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

夢桜 久礼羅's profile Go to profile

素人ながらいろいろ模索中('ω')ノ たまーーーーーーーに自作素材投稿してます(*'ω'*)