3D Magic Wand A customize possible (3D 魔法の杖A カスタマイズ可) 3D 魔法の杖A カスタマイズ可

Content ID:2106509

  • 18
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a magic wand that can be customize by combining parts.

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For weapon armor, sozairoten.bugu Fantasy related is sozairoten.fantasy
パーツを組み合わせてカスタマイズ可能な魔法の杖 Wandです。


武器防具の場合はsozairoten.bugu ファンタジー関連はsozairoten.fantasy

You can select several parts from the object list and change the design to your liking.

Depending on the choice of combination, you can create an original design to some extent. If you add more, you can draw completely original magic wands, tin wands, etc.
The initial state is the state in which everything is displayed. Please customize by hiding unnecessary parts from the object list.

Please judge the variations and parts of the combination from the image.

You can customize a variety of designs, from simple to offensive and defensive.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

We have other weapons and armor series that can be customize. Check it out.







material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2106509

Published : 28 days ago

Last updated : 28 days ago

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素材露店です。自分の作画用の制作物をベースにUPすることが多いです。商業作家様用に請け負うこともあります。   ご要望をいくつか頂いておりましたので素材のいくつかをBOOTHで販売しております。地球儀アイコンから飛べます。