Rooms you can't leave (出られない部屋) 出られない部屋

Content ID:2106420

  • 101
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

◯◯ It is a material that can be used as a background for any one-situation story, such as a room that you can't get out of unless you do, a trapped death game, etc.
・ All 110 small bottles on the table are movable... However, the camera operation is heavy due to its effects. If you hide the "vial" in the object list, it will be very light.

material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • 04 04
  • 01 01
  • 03 03
  • 02 02

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Door opening and closing ドア開閉

Update history

2024.8.12.Listing 2024.8.12.出品

Content ID:2106420

Published : 29 days ago

Last updated : 29 days ago

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