Flower halo brush, autumn (花後光ブラシ・秋) 花後光ブラシ・秋

Content ID:2105975

  • 372
  • 60 GOLD
  • 80 CLIPPY
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

It is a brush autumn camp that becomes a flower halo or a flower pattern.
Please use the glitter brush to remove the color of the flowers with a spoid.
Of course, you can use it alone.

Examples of use


3 colors 3色

black and white 白黒

Update history

Published on 2024/08/10 On the same day, I forgot to put one of the parts of the ginkgo leaf, so I added the recorded ver ginkgo autumn leaves.k (Kai) 2024/08/10公開
同日 銀杏の葉のパーツが1つ入れ忘れていたので、収録したver銀杏紅葉.k(改)を追加

Content ID:2105975

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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和柄やアンティーク、和洋折衷がすきです。 和柄素材や花素材、レトロなフレームとか置いてます。