Watercolor Decorative Title Frame Set (水彩装飾タイトル枠セット) 水彩装飾タイトル枠セット

Content ID:2104194

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It is a set of 12 types of decorative frames that can be used with watercolor titles. 水彩塗り仕上げのタイトルなどを入れて使える装飾枠12種類のセットです

It is a set of 12 types of decorative frames in modern antique style colors that can be used with watercolor image material titles.

It is convenient when you want to use a slightly colored decorative frame such as a title or number letter, or as a balloon for decoration.

Drag and drop onto the canvas and use it in your preferred size and orientation.

If you want to change the color, try using a tonal correction after rasterize.

When using in monochrome, please use the tone effect.
It is also good to use a silhouette in black or white fill, but it will also produce some shades, so I recommend using a tone effect on top of that.

If there is something that can be used as one of the image material patterns of modern antique style decoration, please ^^

Please try various things

Use Case 1

Use Case 2










decoration 装飾

Content ID:2104194

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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こんにちは(^^ ゆるめの素材をぼちぼちと。楽しく使っていただけたら幸いです(^^いいねやGIFTも嬉しいです!フォローも光栄です!ありがとうございます~!!

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