3D Fantasy Village Small Village A (3D ファンタジー 村 小さな村A) 3D ファンタジー 村 小さな村A

Content ID:2102945

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a material that can be used as a village or small town in fantasy.

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Fantasy related to sozairoten.fantasy Buildings are sozairoten.tatemono


ファンタジー関連はsozairoten.fantasy 建築物はsozairoten.tatemono

It is designed to be widely used in mountainous areas such as small towns and villages, castle towns, port towns, mountain villages, deserts, dense forests, etc.

I think it can be used for Indian, Arabic, Greek, Mediterranean, and Europe in general.

Try to adjust the trees, plants, and surroundings well.

I think there are many situations where it is used in the protagonist's hometown, the towns and villages he stopped at along the way, and small scenes.
Near the entrance, there is a huge stone object like a gate. (Can be hidden)

If you go through the gate and go out to the left, there is a tunnel in the retaining wall and you can exit at the end. It can be made into a deep tunnel or a gate, or it can hide the wall age and lead to the forest or desert.
Please make additions and corrections as necessary.

This is a panoramic view of the town (village). As soon as you pass through the gate, there is a slightly larger hall. I think you can create variations by installing your own well, statues, fountains, etc. here.

In front of the tunnel on the left, there is a long staircase that leads upwards and connects to the street from the right.
The right side is a little downhill below the hall, and the road leading from the back to the left leads uphill to the stairs.

Please use the cliff-like part in the left foreground as it is as a cliff as a valley or sea, lake, river, etc., or delete it with additions and modify it to make it a desert, grassland, forest, etc.

It is the central hall part.

Some houses have doors and some do not. As shown in the figure below, I think that if you add a door or make it solid for a house that does not exist, it will look like that. (The door is manual but movable.) There is no indoor construction at all.)

↓ Example of correction

Several object, such as the rooftop, balcony, and jar next to the house, are integrated together. (From the viewpoint of the number of object and the weight of the material)

It is not possible to customize the original object in detail, but I think that it can be made into a well-built village or town by hiding it, shifting the position slightly, and adding more object to customize.

You can also use plants to make it more regional.

The streets are not cobblestones or blocks. Please make corrections as necessary.

It can also be used as a complicated atmosphere.

It is a slightly longer staircase that leads to the top.

Houses can be hidden one by one, so you can cut out the cityscape from various angles.

I think that there are various uses for modern things and other things as a foreign countryside.

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material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2102945

Published : 5 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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