Fictional terrain (架空の地形) 架空の地形

Content ID:2095418

  • 71
  • 50 GOLD
  • 500 CLIPPY
You can use this material with Clip Studio Paint Ver.2.2.0 and newer. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.2.2.0 )
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a terrain 3D Object that does not exist.
Normal map support (CLIP STUDIO ver3 or higher environment only).
ノーマルマップ対応(CLIP STUDIO ver3以上の環境のみ)。

<Use Case>

CLIP STUDIO When loaded in an environment of ver3 or higher, even fine shadows are expressed by the effect of the normal map.

It has been scaled down to about 1/1000 for easy operation.
Please expand and contract as appropriate for the application.

<LT conversion example>


CLIP STUDIO ver3以上の環境で読み込むと、ノーマルマップの効果で細かい陰影まで表現されます。



material マテリアル

Content ID:2095418

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

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使いやすく綺麗な線画の出る3D素材づくりを心掛けています。 ちょっと便利なアクションも公開中。