[50cp after 48 hours] REAL_Fabric_RED ([48시간 후 50cp] REAL_Fabric_RED) [48시간 후 50cp] REAL_Fabric_RED

Content ID:2095351

  • 148

[50cp after 48 hours]

This is a checkered pattern based on a photo taken by yourself.
I think it would be nice if it gave a similar feeling to live-action.
Since it was made by editing the photo, the pattern seams are not very clean, but it is okay if you modify them appropriately.

There are two versions of the pattern that are the same pattern but have a different feel.

1ver: Sharpening
2ver: Softness

[48시간 후 50cp]

직접 찍은 사진을 바탕으로 만든 체크무늬 패턴입니다.
실사와 비슷한 느낌을 줄 때 좋을 것 같습니다.
사진을 편집해 만든 것이기 때문에 패턴 이음새가 아주 깔끔하지는 않습니다만, 적당히 수정해주면 괜찮습니다.

같은 무늬지만 느낌이 다른 두 가지 버전의 패턴이 있습니다.

1ver: 선명
2ver: 부드러움

pattern 패턴

Content ID:2095351

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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