Lazy Factory

Content ID:2093882

This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A quick button set for creating layers with modes and correction layers. Make sure to copy the ones you use the most to your custom set. Actions have also a color lableling that can be edited or switched on/off.

Switch to button mode in order to make more practical. Just click to add a new layer on top with the respective blending mode. We also have color based on the layer type.Layers will also carry the name of the blending mode.

Actions have also a color labelling that can be edited or switched on/off.
I highly recommend to switch it to button mode. But before that you might wanna check if you want your layers to have colored labels on or off (you might need to to do it for every action).

Old version

Old version

Content ID:2093882

Published : 10 days ago

Last updated : 10 days ago

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