3D Hita Geta *Discount until the end of June (3D 日田げた ※6月末まで割引中) 3D 日田げた ※6月末まで割引中

Content ID:2093198

  • 24
  • 150 GOLD
  • 1,500 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

※Discount until the end of June※
This is the second 3D model in the footwear series, Hitageta.

Hita Geta... The traditional gerita has been produced since the Edo period in Hita City, Oita Prefecture, the three major production areas of Japan nogeta.
It is made of abundant cedar wood from the neighborhood and features a "Jindai ware finish" with a strong contrast of wood grain.
Recently, many modern and fashionable designs have appeared, and they have become popular as fashion.
In addition, unlike shoes, it moderately stimulates the feet and trunk, so it is said to be good for preventing hallux valgus, flat feet, and posture correction.


↑ Made by baking cedar wood, we have reproduced the "Jindai ware finish" that makes the most of the wood grain with a texture.

↑ Hita Geta is also characterized by a gorgeous nose cord. 4+1 pattern is included (switch with material preset).
・Red...... Red cord with cloth fabric pattern only. As an application, you can change the hue with a hue correction layer (mask the nasal cord part) and change the cord to your favorite color.
・Wine ...... The bald board has a dark wine color.
・Sakura...... A cherry blossom pattern is drawn on the pink cord.
・Snow...... A snowflake is drawn on the blue nose cord.
・Rose ...... A rose is depicted on the red cord.

↑LT conversion example

★ It is a footwear series that is being released separately (* This material is only "Hita Geta")

[3D goth loli shoes (6 colors / band movable)]
Content ID: 2087730
It is a 3D goth loli shoe with a simple design.
It will be easier to draw goth loli shoes.





material マテリアル

  • Red Red
  • Wine Wine
  • Sakura Sakura
  • Snow Snow
  • Rose Rose

arrangement 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2093198

Published : 8 days ago

Last updated : 8 days ago

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★第4回 生賴範義賞 優秀賞受賞 『CLIP STUDIO PAINT』及び『Blender』で制作した作品が賞をいただきました。 ★日本人の魚離れ問題に真剣に向き合いながら、身近な食材やフィールドワークで撮影した動植物・風景写真などを元に素材を制作しています。 ★創作活動:男性育休取得漫画【そーむ課】/本格寿司物語【しゃーく☆フロンティア】(Kindle)/地方密着海グルメ物語【綿津見神鮫記カイセイオー】 漫画はPixivで公開中!  映像制作やペーパークラフト設計、HPデザイン・構築とかもやっています

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