Baby bottle dot brush (哺乳瓶ドットブラシ) 哺乳瓶ドットブラシ

Content ID:2093046

  • 141

It is a dot brush for baby bottles 哺乳瓶のドットブラシです

It is a self-made dot brush.

The following two types are included.
(1) Baby bottle dot brush ... No orientation change
(2) Baby bottle dot brush _ random ... Orientation Random

I made it for myself because I wanted a dot brush for a baby bottle, so there may be deficiencies.


①哺乳瓶ドットブラシ       …向き変化なし
②哺乳瓶ドットブラシ_ランダム  …向きランダム


dot ドット

Content ID:2093046

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 3 months ago

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