Mountain brush (hardwood) (山肌ブラシ(広葉樹)) 山肌ブラシ(広葉樹)

Content ID:2085621

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It is a brush that can easily draw the mountain surface of a broad-leaved tree in an illustration style.

What is < hardwood>
It has flat, round leaves, and the trunk is not as straight as in conifers, but has various shapes.
The main types of trees... Cherry, camphor, maple, oak, beech


  1. Draw a draft of the mountain
  2. Set the brush size to a smaller size and outline the mountain in the foreground.
  3. From the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, I will draw the mountain surface while gradually increasing the brush size to create a sense of perspective.
  4. Add a layer and draw the mountains behind you in the same way.
  5. Adjust the mountains behind to [Hue: more than blue/Saturation: Lower/Lightness: Lighter] to create a sense of perspective with the mountains in the foreground.
  6. Draw the mountains in the back in the same way
  7. After that, add the sky, add highlights and shadows, and you're done.

Check Window →sub tool detail→brush tip→brush density↓→brush density effect source settings→ pen pressure and move the slider to the left to lower the minimum value.
Then, the brush density will change depending on the pen pressure.
For example, by drawing with light pen pressure on a flat mountain surface, you can draw a faint broad-leaved forest like the thumbnail below.

  1. 山の下書きを描きます
  2. ブラシサイズを小さめに設定し、手前の山の輪郭線を描きます
  3. 山頂から山のふもとに向かって、遠近感が出るよう少しずつブラシサイズを大きくしながら、山肌を描いていきます
  4. レイヤーを追加し、後ろの山も同じ要領で描きます
  5. 後ろの山を〔色相:青より/彩度:低め/明度:明るめ〕に調整し、手前の山との遠近感を出します
  6. 奥の山も同様に描きます
  7. あとは空を追加、ハイライト・陰影を入れれば完成です



Content ID:2085621

Published : 25 days ago

Last updated : 8 days ago

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