Hand drawn watercolor material (手描き水彩素材) 手描き水彩素材

Content ID:2070747

  • 1,011

It is a material that incorporates what was drawn in analog watercolor. アナログの水彩で描いたものを取り込んだ素材です。

Watercolor 2102 and Watercolor A

Added watercolor 2102 dark. I made the contrast stronger.

image material only "watercolor" will be a horizontal material.

You can change the color by changing the tonal correction, layer color, layering, etc.

It can be used for backgrounds, patterns on clothes, etc.

Since it is made by importing analog images, please note that there may be some drawbacks.

In addition, there are materials that can be stacked.

水彩2102 と 水彩A

水彩2102濃 を追加。 コントラストを強くしました。






Category 1 カテゴリ1

Old version

Content ID:2070747

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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