hand-drawn wisteria brush 💐

Content ID:2068957

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hand-drawn wisteria flower brush

【更新 · U P D A T E 2024/03/25】✨
Added new image materials where you can add the flowers individually while perserving image quality.


更新内容 | this update includes;
① 個々の藤の花色付けバージョンと白黒バージョンあり individual wisteria flowers both in coloured and black-white.
② 繰り返しタイル張りバージョン repeated tiling version of the wisteria flowers

feel free to use this brush whereever your creativity brings you.

ブラシは二種類ある。there are two brushes,
① すぐに使える色付けの藤の花ブラシ ready to use pre-coloured brush
② 色を変えられる白黒のブラシです black-white brush that can have its colours changed

過去に自分のイラストで使ってましたの | example(s) of uses in my past works.
衣装のデザインとか使てもうOKです!! You can also use the brush for outfit design purposes.


WISETRIAS - coloured -

WISETRIAS - black-white -

WISTERIA - repeating tile -

Content ID:2068957

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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