Opals & Opal Texture

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Five opals & opal textures to use for jewelry & decor.

One of the things I like doing to zone out is to try and create multicolor textures.  They're a lot of fun, and an odd challenge to do.  So here's 5 different opal colors for texturing, backgrounds, jewelry, decoration, embelishment, emblems, brooches, earrings, rings, and so on. :D

The five types are:
  1.  Pink opal, an opal that is more common.  It's solid and not transparent, with not "color-play" (rainbow effect) to it.  Still pretty!
  2. Black opal, a dark opal with colorful flecks.  Usually a bit transparent.
  3. White opal, classic & shimmery.  Can be solid or transparent, more valuable ones have color-play (rainbow) to them.
  4. Fire opal, filled with warm colors & usually semi-transparent.
  5. "Blue Green Opal" - I was trying for a blue opal but made a more green one instead.  Oops.  Still fun to use, & looks like the earth or a kelp field in the ocean.

Opals come in many shapes, and they make for a cool wallpaper or cloth texture, so I included the repeating textures as well.  They all tile & have a few variations to them.

The textures are below:

The two purple ones are transparent layers that look great in "Add (glow)", "Glow Dodge", and "Overlay", so you can use them for a speckled holographic or iridescent effect. 

Here's an example of using the opal texture in a custom decoration:

You can carve a lot of neat things with opal.  Search online museum catalogues and handmade jewelry stores for ideas. :D



Content ID:2068832

Published : 4 months ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

saturns_day's profile Go to profile

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D