Staircase hall of an aristocratic mansion (貴族邸宅の階段ホール) 貴族邸宅の階段ホール

Content ID:2065522

  • 6,178
  • 100 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a solid staircase hall that seems to be in an aristocratic mansion.
It can be used for medieval and fantasy worlds.


It is a staircase hall with a height of 13m x 20m (actual size).
The staircase is 4m wide and 5m high.

Angle 11 patterns,
The layout is preset with the walls hidden.
The six wooden doors on the left and right are movable.

There is only one type of material.

Interior only. We do not make the outside.

Among them, we also publish materials only for stairs.

"Stairs Only (Staircase Hall of Noble Residence)" (Content ID: 2065644)

■Placement tips

First of all, after placing it on the screen, decide the angle with the layout preset "Hide all walls".
Depending on the angle, the wall in front of you may be in the way and you can't see it.

Next, display Parallel Light 2 and adjust it to a position where the pitch black surface disappears.

Adjust the parallel light intensity of Parallel Light 1 and 2 starting from 0.8~1.2.

■The following example is an example of LT conversion with A3 size 600px.

    ●tone work available

Angle "From Upstairs" 

Angle "Upstairs from left"

Angle "In front of the entrance" 
 ( Wall_Back is hidden)
Angle "Staircase Landing" 
(Ceiling, _Door_Right03, _Door_Left03 are hidden.) )

●Line art

Angle "far to right", layout "right / front hide"
( Hiding Carpet.) )
( _Door_Right01 is movable.
★ Note When you open the wooden door, there is a wall. Remove the line if you see it. )

Angle "From the left of the landing"
( _Door_Right03 is movable.
★ Note When you open the wooden door, there is a wall. Remove the line if you see it. )

■Detailed arrangement

The object is divided into parts, so please hide or move it according to your preference.

It is divided into:

・Floor (1st floor, 2nd floor, staircase floor)
・Handrail_Left (left handrail)
・Handrail_Right (right handrail)
・Wall_Back (back wall)
・Wall_Front (front wall)
・Wall_Left (left wall)
・Wall_Right (right wall)
・ _Door_Left01 (left door 1 front) movable
・ _Door_Left02  (Left door 2 back lower floor) Movable
・ _Door_Left03  (Upper floor at the back of Door 3 on the left) Movable
・ _Door_Right01  (right door 1 front) movable
・ _Door_Right02  (right door 2 back lower floor) movable
・ _Door_Right03  (Right door 3 back upper floor) Movable







「階段だけ(貴族邸宅の階段ホール)」(コンテンツID: 2065644)









 ( Wall_Back を非表示にしています)
( Ceiling 、 _Door_Right03 、 _Door_Left03 を非表示にしています。)


アングル「右遠く」 、レイアウト「右・手前非表示」
( Carpet を非表示にしています。)
( _Door_Right01 を可動しています。
 ★注 木製扉を開くと壁があります。見える場合は線を削除してください。)

( _Door_Right03 を可動しています。
 ★注 木製扉を開くと壁があります。見える場合は線を削除してください。)




・Carpet (カーペット)
・Ceiling (天井)
・Floor (1階、2階、階段床)
・Handrail_Left (左の手すり)
・Handrail_Right (右の手すり)
・Wall_Back (背後の壁)
・Wall_Front (前の壁)
・Wall_Left (左の壁)
・Wall_Right (右の壁)
・_Door_Left01 (左の扉1 手前) 可動
・_Door_Left02  (左の扉2 奥の下階) 可動
・_Door_Left03  (左の扉3 奥の上階) 可動
・_Door_Right01  (右の扉1 手前) 可動
・_Door_Right02  (右の扉2 奥の下階) 可動
・_Door_Right03  (右の扉3 奥の上階) 可動

Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

Place 配置

  • Hide all walls 全ての壁を非表示
  • Show all 全表示
  • Right, front hidden 右・手前非表示
  • Left / Front hidden 左・手前非表示
  • Hidden wall in the back 奥の壁非表示

Angle アングル

  • In front of the entrance 入口手前
  • In front of the stairs 階段手前
  • Staircase landing 階段踊り場
  • Far right 右遠く
  • Far left 左遠く
  • From the right of the landing 踊り場の右から
  • From the left of the landing 踊り場の左から
  • From the upper floors 上階から
  • Upstairs from the right 上階右から
  • Upstairs from left 上階左から
  • Upper floor, in front of the entrance 上階・入口手前

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • _Door_Right01 _Door_Right01
  • _Door_Right02 _Door_Right02
  • _Door_Right03 _Door_Right03
  • _Door_Left01 _Door_Left01
  • _Door_Left02 _Door_Left02
  • _Door_Left03 _Door_Left03

Update history

Released on 02/13/2024 2024/02/13  公開

Content ID:2065522

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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3Dに手を出してから一年経過。3D素材作るのは初めて。けんちくのおしごとしてた人。 使用ソフトは平面がAutoCAD、立体がSketchUp。 Blenderもこれから練習する予定。 お絵かきしないので絵を描く方の「3D素材はこうだったら良いのに」が知りたい。 ファンタジーに使える家具や建物で、中世風のものにチャレンジしていきたいです。