딸기타르트(Strawberry Tart) (딸기타르트(Strawberry Tart)) 딸기타르트(Strawberry Tart)

Content ID:2057271

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It's a bit of a sham. It's a lot different from thumbnails.  
So I unpack it for free.
When I imported the textured thing into clip studio, it disappeared, so I only added a solid color.
The letters and stars were broken and removed.

Draw your own candles and make a birthday prize
It would be nice if you decorated it more...

약간 허위매물입니다. 썸네일과 많이 다릅니다. 
그래서 무료로 풉니다.
텍스쳐 입힌게 클립스튜디오로 불러오면 없어져서 단색만 넣었습니다.
글자와 별은 깨져서 뺐습니다.

초를 직접 그려넣어서 생일상을 차려주거나
더 꾸미시면 좋을 듯 합니다...

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Content ID:2057271

Published : 8 months ago

Last updated : 8 months ago

피망복숭아맛엉덩이's profile Go to profile