Kagami Mochi Set 2024
Kagami Mochi Set for Spring
From three-way to flat
Included in the set
・ 97636polygon (at full set)
・Height approx. 60cm
・ Orange diameter about 8 cm (*relatively large size)
・ Misuse (for flat placement)
・Shikata Red
・ Shikata Red 2 (for flat placement)
・Kagami mochi upper row
・Kagami mochi lower row
* The three can also be used for each Shinto ritual.
* Please adjust the size according to the installation location.
迎春用 鏡餅セット
・ 橙直径約8cm(※比較的大きいサイズ)
・Height approx. 60cm
・ Orange diameter about 8 cm (*relatively large size)
・ Misword 2 (for flat placement)
・ Shikata Red 2 (for flat placement)
* Please adjust the size according to the installation location.
I made it at the end of the year.
In general, why not put it on three sides? And
In a hurry, we have added a flat version in the middle.
・ 橙直径約8cm(※比較的大きいサイズ)
Material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
Black-and-white 白黒
White 白
Place 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
default layout 2 初期レイアウト2
Three-square-red square 三方四方紅
Flat 平置き
Angle アングル
New Angle 新規アングル
New Angle 1 新規アングル1
New Angle 2 新規アングル2
New Angle 3 新規アングル3
New Angle 4 新規アングル4
pose parts 可動パーツ
Movable orange 可動橙
Upper section of mirror cake 鏡餅上段
The lower section of the mirror cake 鏡餅下段