Crack image material set (ひび割れ画像素材セット) ひび割れ画像素材セット

Content ID:2053441

  • 4,494
  • 50 GOLD
  • 120 CLIPPY

Just by pasting it, you can add cracks that look like broken glass or mirrors to your illustrations.
It is a set of handwritten image material.
There are two types of bonus materials: a image material with only cracked lines and an extra material with a white border line added to create a slightly three-dimensional effect.

■ Number of recorded materials: 5 (including partially white-bordered differences: 10)
■ Size: A4 (350dpi)
■ Color change: Yes
Please change the color using layer color effects, clipping layers, etc.
(It is black and white by default)

Personally, I recommend the processing method of fill part of the cracked surface black, or randomly drawing something that looks like reflected light ◎

■ 収録素材数:5(部分白フチあり差分含め:10)
■ サイズ:A4(350dpi)
■ 色変更:可


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2053441

Published : 4 months ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

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