Hair Highlight Brush (髪ハイライトブラシ) 髪ハイライトブラシ

Content ID:2049905

  • 1,954

These are 7 brushes to shorten hair highlights.
The design is designed to blend in regardless of the angle of the head as much as possible, but extreme aori and fukan are harsh.

What's changing?
・ Depending on the layer used, there was a concern about uneven color, so I corrected it.
- Fine-tuned the settings of pen pressure.
Since it is a minor difference, if you do not mind the uneven color, there is no problem even if you use the old version as it is.

■List of brushes

■How to use
1. Draw as it is.
2. Scrape or add hair streaks. Blur if necessary.
3. lock transparent pixel and apply a gradient.






Category 1 カテゴリ1

Old version

Content ID:2049905

Published : 11 months ago

Last updated : 3 months ago

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