Elodie's Manga Lettering

Content ID:2042971

A collection of SFXs and Lettering I've done for my own manga. Please use for your own comics and illustrations.


[24H Price Increase: 50CP]
05/01/2024 - 3 New Sound Effects Added - Zoom, Slam! and Grab
01/02/2024 - 8 New Sound Effects Added - Shut, Struggle, Rub Rub, Sniffle, Achoo, Walk Walk and Stare.
13/04/2024 - 7 New Sounds Effects Added - Grunt Grunt, Tug Tug Tug, Flick!, Plonk!, Tremble, Wack!, Tip Tap (v2).
30/05/2024 - 9 New Sound Effects Added - Flung, Smack! , ZZZ, Snore, Creak Creak, ZZZ 2, Kick! , Dash, Wham!

These are a collection of sound effects and lettering I've done for my own manga (Chapter 4-7). They are all created on Vector Layers so you can enlarge them without losing the quality.

I will be updating over time as I create more pages :) I will also add any lettering I've done from chapters 1-3 in the future.

Please use it freely in your own comics and illustrations!

Examples are pictured below of use. All the Artwork is drawn by me from my manga:


05/01/2024 - 3つの新しい効果音を追加しました:
Zoom, Slam! and Grab
01/02/2024 - 8つの新しい効果音を追加しました:
Shut, Struggle, Rub Rub, Sniffle, Achoo, Walk Walk and Stare.
13/04/2024 - 7つの新しい効果音を追加しました: 
Grunt Grunt, Tug Tug Tug, Flick!, Plonk!, Tremble, Wac!
30/05/2024 - 9つの新しい効果音を追加しました:
Flung, Smack! , ZZZ, Snore, Creak Creak, ZZZ 2, Kick! , Dash, Wham!

もっと多くのページを作りながら、時間をかけて更新していくつもりです。) 今後、第1章から第3章までのレタリングも追加していく予定です。




Update history

05/01/2024 - 3 New Sound Effects Added - Zoom, Slam! and Grab
01/02/2024 - 8 New Sound Effects Added - Shut, Struggle, Rub Rub, Sniffle, Achoo, Walk Walk, Stare and Swing!
13/04/2024 - 7 New Sounds Effects Added - Grunt Grunt, Tug Tug Tug, Flick!, Plonk!, Tremble, Wack!, Tip Tap (v2).
30/05/2024 - 9 New Sound Effects Added - Flung, Smack! , ZZZ, Snore, Creak Creak, ZZZ 2, Kick! , Dash, Wham!

Content ID:2042971

Published : 7 months ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

MelodyElodie's profile Go to profile

Hi! I'm Elodie, a 22-year-old who is the creator of the self-published manga: "The Thieves Who Stole From Death" on MANGAPlus Creators, GlobalComix and WEBTOON Canvas. 私はイギリス出身の22歳の漫画家志望です。私は「The Thieves Who Stole From Death」というタイトルの漫画を自費出版しています。