Gresketone Ver2 with different colors in area display (領域表示で色が違うグレスケトーンVer2) 領域表示で色が違うグレスケトーンVer2

Content ID:2033868

  • 552
  • Free
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I thought I could make a show tone area with Gresquet.
It may be a little heavy because it uses a mask.

There may be a better way, but I like it because it is easy to work with Greske and output in monochrome.


Tone トーン

Update history

2022.09.05 There was a problem with the font used, so we have updated it. Thank you for pointing this out. 2023.09.23 Fixed the wrong mask area when toning       Change template folder to multiply       Adding Area Display auto action       Add tone material for each density individually 2022.09.05 使用フォントに問題がありましたので更新いたしました。ご指摘ありがとうございました。
2023.09.23 トーン化した時のマスク範囲を誤っていたので修正

Old version

Content ID:2033868

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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