Dusting brush (くすりばらまきブラシ) くすりばらまきブラシ

Content ID:2033781

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I participated in the theme because I wanted to learn how to make my own brush and how to register. Scatter the medicine appropriately. Adjust and scatter to your liking. 自作ブラシの作り方、登録の仕方を勉強したかったのでお題に参加させていただきました。薬を適当にばらまけます。お好みで調整してばらまいてください。

It is a brush that spreads medicine appropriately. I'm a beginner in creating brushes, so there may be some points that I can't reach, but if you can use it, please do.
[Scheduled to change to 10CP from 2023/9/26 (Tue)]

If you pull it to the right, the tablet is facing the top side, so if you want to scatter it on the floor, I think it will be somehow like that if you pull it to the right and right. If you want a completely random feeling, adjust it to your liking in the brush settings.



Dusting brush くすりばらまきブラシ

Update history

2023/09/26 Changed to paid Published on 2023/09/23 2023/09/26 有償に変更しました
2023/09/23 公開

Content ID:2033781

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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なるべくクセのない、誰にでも使いやすい素材をあげていきたいと思っています。 3Dモデルとブラシ系が主になると思います。 明らかな不具合がありましたらメッセージをお願いします。 (値段は予告なく変更する場合があります。)