Emu's branches and leaves (えむの枝葉) えむの枝葉

Content ID:2025105

  • 2,187

This is a collection of materials of silhouettes of branches and leaves drawn with reference to photos of cherry trees taken by me.

It was created for monochrome cartoons and illustration backgrounds, but it can also be used in color.

Created at 600 dpi.
Color changeable

・M branch and leaf brush 

It is a brush that is set so that 12 types of branches and leaves come out randomly.

・M leaf layer

It is used to create a white base and leaves with black borders.

We have prepared 7 types of sample images that can be used as they are.
(Self-made materials used)
Image _C: Emuno cross-hatching Nawaami (ID: 2019117)
Image _E: Hand-drawn hatching (ID: 2011973)
Image _F: Emunoki 4 (ID: 1999864)
Image _G: Emu's hand-drawn hatching 4 (ID: 2023223)

*Prices are subject to change without notice.









・M Brush should be drawn from the tip of the leaf.

(Note 1)
It is not a brush that is connected neatly like a ribbon brush, so I am not good at long lines.

(Note 2)
Sometimes the tips of the branches pop out.
At that time, try again.

(Note 3)
There are times when the same branches continue all the time.
Try again then.

・Put the M leaf layer in the layer.

The "leaf layer" in the "M leaf layer" is set to be tool property from the beginning, with a white layer and a black border (5.0).

・ Create a new layer on top of the leaf layer, change to multiplication, color the whole with bucket filling, toning clipping to the leaf layer.

・ Use the M leaf brush with "white" on the leaf layer and draw the branches and leaves.

・ Put a new "M leaf layer" under the one you just made.

・ Make a new layer on top in the same way as drawing method 2, bucket with "dark eye color", toning, and clip.

・ Under the branches and leaves drawn in step 2, draw dark branches and leaves.

・Put the M leaf layer set inside the layer.

・ Put a tone on the leaf layer, set the magnification rate and rotation angle of the tone with the operation →tool property, and clip.

・ On the leaf layer, use the M branch and leaf brush with "white" and draw the branches and leaves.

(Example 1)

"Emuno cross-hatching Nawaami" (ID: 2019117)
When using the "M cross-hatching(1)" tone or the "M cross-hatching(2)" tone.

(Example 2)

"Emu's Hand-Drawn Hatching 4" (ID: 2023223)
When using Mh4_ short (thin) tone.

* The dark part of the lower leaf is stacked with two tones at different angles.

We have prepared 6 types of sample images that can be used as they are.

(Self-made materials used)
Image _C: Emuno cross-hatching Nawaami (ID: 2019117)
Image _E: Emu's hand-drawn hatch (ID: 2011973)
Image _F: Emunoki 4 (ID: 1999864)
Image G: Emu's hand-drawn hatch (ID: 2023223)


























Material gallery 素材集

Update history

2023.8.20 Added sample and image material G. 2023.8.20 見本の追加と画像素材Gを追加。

Content ID:2025105

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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手描き感のある素材や、ハッチング、スタンプなどが、好きです。 最近は、トーン(パターン)作りにハマってます。