Roman-style atrium

Content ID:2025052

  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A model of atrium made with primitive shapes in MS 3D builder. Reupload because i fixed some glaring mistakes for ease of use.

This is a 3d model of an interior/garden, very small, in the style of a roman domus with two levels. Some modifications have been brought in since last upload:
-Fixed color of impluvium
-Changed tree shape
-Moved some of the asymmetrical parts
-Changed default position
Please use to your own needs, I would recommend tracing it over using it as is since it's very simplistic and would rather serve as a guide for form rather than its' own thing unless you have a very geometrical artstyle.
Pull the object from your 3d object docker on the canvas, change camera position to fit your own perspective and draw on a raster layer over it. I hope this helps you with your background artwork


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  • Default layout

Content ID:2025052

Published : 10 months ago

Last updated : 10 months ago

LuciDoom's profile Go to profile

Lukia/F/Eastern Europe/occasional doodler & graphic designer Feel free to message me in case you have any questions on material available on my account! And feel free to showcase to me what you do with it so i know if it works for you!