Star Rivet star rivets (Star Rivet 星型鉚釘) Star Rivet 星型鉚釘

Content ID:2019948

  • 5,644
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

metal stud
Star Stud
Star Rivet
metal stud
Star Stud
Star Rivet

I re-modified the Star Rivet brush.
There are 18 brushes.
The Star Rivet brushset can change color. Thank you.
[Black and white]

I re-modified the Star Rivet brush.
There are 18 brushes.
The Star Rivet brushset can change color. Thank you.
[Black and white]

Grayscale Grayscale

Grayscale Curve tool Grayscale Curve tool

Line Line

Line Curve tool Line Curve tool

Black and white Black and white

Black and white Curve tool Black and white Curve tool

Update history

2023/7/31 - Added 36 brushes 2023/7/31-新增36支筆刷

Content ID:2019948

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

Takeliongawa's profile Go to profile

Hello, I'm Takegawa, a manga artist and webtoonist. どうぞ よろしく お願いします。