It is a collection of standing poses that are commonly used in everyday life.
This is a collection of standing poses that are commonly used in everyday life.
일상에서 흔히 쓰이는 스탠딩 포즈 모음입니다.
This is a collection of standing poses that are commonly used in everyday life.
This is a collection of standing poses that are commonly used in everyday life.
This is a collection of standing poses that are commonly used in everyday life.
Standing Pose All-in-One ver.2 스탠딩 포즈 올인원 ver.2
Going down the stairs 계단 내려가기
Wrap your hands around the mug 두손으로머그컵을감싸쥠
Straddling and over-immersing 발걸치고 과몰입
Pressing the hat with both hands 양손으로 모자 눌러쓰기
Self-touching clipboard punting 자기손클립보드삿대질
Sweating meta remarks 진땀흘리며메타발언
Even-legged waist hand clipboard 짝다리허리손클립보드
One waist hand in front of the object hand 한쪽허리손 앞에물건손
Hand Microphone Host 핸드마이크진행자