Better Line Color (Better Line Color) Better Line Color

Content ID:1999692

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

just click on the line layer to get better line colors<3

if you use a new layer for coloring under the new line layer, the color of the new line layer will also change

just click on the line layer to get better line colors<3

if you use a new layer for coloring under the new line layer, the color of the new line layer will also change

Content ID:1999692

Published : 11 months ago

Last updated : 11 months ago

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We're a manga studio founded in 2022, and we update our frequently used material from time to time, so we hope you'll enjoy it! <3 If you have any questions feel free to send us a private message and let us know!优动漫🔍Maturu000