A brush with a slightly faded area with a weak pressure that was created by adding a texture to the darker pencil of the original initial sub tool. 元初期サブツールの濃い鉛筆に自分で撮った写真をテクスチャに加えて作成した、筆圧が弱い部分が多少かすれる程度のブラシです。
Change points
Brush size when applying it with color with the last brush, it became light even if it 500px more than 130px if it was heavy and did not move heavily if it was weak-normal pressure. I have some delays. )
The same photo material, but I changed the texture image.
Note points
Sub tool detail → Check the inclination of the brush size, the brush becomes heavy when you adjust the curve of the settings of pen pressure.
If you do not use it in color is all right to play around freely ◎
Please try to adjust as you like the presence/adjustment of mixed colors and border of watercolor.
Especially when I use it for the color, it is recommended because it is easy to use when I reduce the transparency by the part.
The download and the gift are so glad! Thank you!


Old version