Decorative Parapet A (装飾欄干A) 装飾欄干A

Content ID:1995739

  • 815
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a decorative railing likely to be in a Western-style luxury structure.
I aimed at making it simple on the slender side not to insist too much.

※ Black and white manga, such as comics, it has become to make it supposed to be used to extract only line drawing in the LT conversion, it may not be able to write neatly even if the setting of the tone work and texture extract line.


Decorative Parapet A 装飾欄干A

Update history

23/4/15 added a square cylinder at both ends, changed the contents of the set, reduced the number of vertices, and made lighter weight. Published 22/6/13 23/4/15 両端の角柱の追加、セット内容の変更、頂点数を減らし軽量化等を行いました
22/6/13 公開

Old version

Content ID:1995739

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

稲瀬鳴's profile Go to profile

主に漫画の背景を描いている人です。自分が使いやすい素材を作って公開したりしています。 和モノ、現代モノ、食べ物を描くのが好き。