firing effect for color02 (firing effect for color02) firing effect for color02

Content ID:1992268

  • 8,597

The firing effects of guns, machine guns, cannons, etc. Come in 8 different patterns. The format is in image Material format, and with 8 patterns, it suits various shooting scenes with different calibers of guns.

There are eight patterns of firing effects, such as guns, machine guns, and cannons.
Format image material
There are eight patterns, so it fits the firing scene of various caliber guns.
The firing effects of guns, machine guns, cannons, etc. come in 8 different patterns. The format is in image material format, and with 8 patterns, it suits various shooting scenes with different calibers of guns.



Content ID:1992268

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

素材をどうぞ's profile Go to profile

「I want to create a wide variety of materials that can be used in various battle-themed works.」