1 key generating diagram layer Inner Panel 1 click layer mask 1Click Layer Mask (1鍵生成圖層蒙板 1クリック レイヤーマスク 1Click Layer Mask) 1鍵生成圖層蒙板 1クリック レイヤーマスク 1Click Layer Mask
Content ID:1990212
One key rapid generation "prevailing Okami" area "Shield Mask Mongolia
One-click Generation layer mask
1 Click Create layer mask from select layer
1クリック 生成レイヤーマスク
1 Click Create layer mask from select layer
The advantage is that you can first draw the overall shadow layer (grasp the overall large-scale shadow), and then set the mask layer of their respective parts, which can be easily drawn, and the shadows of each block do not interfere with each other!
With the shielding mask of each block, it is also convenient to color, color grading, add effects and more to each layer!
I made it because I needed this feature very much!
I think it should be a very convenient tool for people who use the Gray scale coloring method! ^^*

Use the brush to turn the anti-aliasing function: turn off and it will work best!
我想對於使用灰階上色(グレースケール着色法/ Gray scale coloring method)的人來說,應該是蠻方便的工具!^^*

Old version