There is no fluffy speech bubble ふわ Fluffy (없어서 만든 푹신 말풍선 ふわ Fluffy) 없어서 만든 푹신 말풍선 ふわ Fluffy

Content ID:1988739

  • 631
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

푹신, Pantyliner balloon ti, Fluffy 푹신, ふわ フキダシ, Fluffy

I really need a speech bubble that feels like this.

I made it because it wasn't among the materials.

It is a fluffy fluffy speech bubble.

Because I'm always struggling with CP

We plan to pay after 48 hours.

We plan to measure it without being expensive.

이런 느낌의 말풍선이 너무 필요한데

소재들중에 없어서 만들게 되었습니다.

푹신 ふわ Fluffy 한 말풍선입니다.

항상 cp에 허덕이고 있기때문에

48시간 이후에 유료화 할예정이지만

비싸지않게 측정할계획입니다.

Category 1 카테고리 1

Content ID:1988739

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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