Hair Gloss Eraser (髪ツヤ出し消しゴム) 髪ツヤ出し消しゴム

Content ID:1980758

  • 146

It is an eraser which portrays the reflection of the light of the hair. It can be expressed finely when I use it in conjunction with "Hair Flow eraser" which is separately up. 髪の毛の光の反射を描写する消しゴムです。別にupしている“髪の流れ消しゴム”と合わせて使用すると、細かく表現できます。

"Hair flow eraser" to visualize a rough flow of hair
I'm adding a reflection of the light with this eraser.

Content ID:1980758

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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