Slicer auto action to mimi the photoshop slicer tool. Helpful for designers who code image-based emails - or for comic panel re-formatting.
2 Step Slicer Auto Action to mimic photoshop's tool. Great for building out sliced email designs or comic pages for re-formatting projects.
Full Walkthrough on Youtube: @EclipseEraoftheBeast
Also posting to Clip Studio's Reddit Page
1. Make Your Selection for your slice on the flat, default layer of your image, then RUN the first action
2. Your Slice will be hidden when the new layer is created - (Repeat for all slices)
3. When it's time to export your work, choose each slice layer one at a time. > Click your slice layer, make sure it's visible now, then RUN the export
4. This will open a new file from clipboard then open the save box to export your jpg file.