☆ Please see the update history on the bottom of the update.
The size is semi-double.
Futon, futon + cloth, you can set the layout from three kinds of messy futon. The color is white and black.
Pillows are movable, cloth, futon can be hidden.
Material マテリアル
white white
black black
disposition 配置
normal normal
normal-towel normal-towel
huton-crush huton-crush
Update history
[2022/11] reduced the number of polygons, it was lighter. Along with it, I made two kinds of beds as one and made it possible to set it from a material. Things are the same as before. ) 【2022/11】ポリゴン数を減らし、軽くしました。それに伴って2種のベッドを1種にし、マテリアルから設定できるようにしました。(物は以前と同様です。)
Old version