Hungamunga Fungamunga (フンガムンガ fungamunga) フンガムンガ fungamunga

Content ID:1954622

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  • 1,000 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is an African knife called "African Throw Knife" and "Mambere".
An incredibly evil-shaped weapon
It is an African knife called "African Throwing Knife" or "Mambele".
"An incredibly evil shaped weapon"
It is an African knife called "African Throwing Knife" or "Mambele".
"An incredibly evil shaped weapon"

You can change the color from tool property to layout.
You can change the color from "Tool Property" and "Layout" to a color that gives you a feeling of use.
You can 顏 colors from "tool-to-Japanese" and "the renewal of the printer" to the Paochueh the color 顏.
"도구 속성" "레이아웃" 에서 사용감있는 색상으로 변경할 수 있습니다.

The number of vertices is 1295 and a PC-friendly model.
It is a PC-friendly model with 1295 vertices.

You can change the color from "Tool Property" and "Layout" to a color that gives you a feeling of use.
"도구 속성" "레이아웃"에서 사용감있는 색상으로 변경할 수 있습니다.

It is a PC-friendly model with 1295 vertices.

Material マテリアル

  • New New
  • Old Old

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Update history

Enactment starts: 221008 頒布開始:221008

Content ID:1954622

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

伍長P's profile Go to profile

伍長Pです。3DモデルのリクエストあればXにDMどうぞ。 頒布中の3Dモデルはクリスタでの使用しやすさを第一として、なるべく軽く製作しています。 I`m Gotyou-P. If you have a request, please DM to X. The 3D models being distributed are made to be as light as possible, with ease of use on CLIP STUDIO as the top priority.