Figures in the clouds

Content ID:1946488

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Observing the sky, day or night, with light or dark, the clouds will always be up there and will always form more or less fantastic figures but which will surely attract more than one glance.
As in this picture, I see a deer running away while a woman watches it stretched out on the thick branch of a tree.

Very useful image as an interlude, background or cover, to tell a story, or to interrupt a scene or to introduce a moment.

Content ID:1946488

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

Gretah's profile Go to profile

Hi everyone, I am a sweety little Pineapple! I like to draw on clip studio, but my real passion, job and life-key for happyness is photography, and sometimes I will share my results in assets and material. Hope you like them, let's have fun together! ^ w^ /