* Buy from Pixiv BOOTH (JPY, USD)
2 colors (+including PNG): https://noriring.booth.pm/items/4125851
2 lineart (+including PNG): https://noriring.booth.pm/items/4125869
*Purchase from Force Type (KRW)
* Pixiv BOOTH에서 구매(JPY, USD)
컬러 2종(+PNG 포함): https://noriring.booth.pm/items/4125851
선화 2종(+PNG 포함): https://noriring.booth.pm/items/4125869
*포스타입에서 구매(KRW)
There are 2 types of brushes: color (color fixed) and lineart (color changeable).

컬러(색상 고정)과 선화(색변경 가능) 브러시 2종류입니다.

Leaf 2set Leaf 2set
Old version