Sketch texture brush (素描紋理筆刷) 素描紋理筆刷

Content ID:1943858

  • 89
  • 30 CLIPPY

The brush used to add texture 用來添加紋理的筆刷

01-03 Used to add textures (post)
04-05 Direct drawing

B06 O Noise (blunt point of pencil)

01-03 用來添加紋理(後期)
04-05 直接繪製

B06 O 噪點(鉛筆的鈍點)

Category 1 類別1

Update history

8/30/2023 Added noise brush 2023/8/30 增加了噪點筆刷

Content ID:1943858

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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